Office Screening by Jax Wox

Why Your Workplace Needs Office Screening

The fully open-plan office was a fad that went as fast as it came. While it can save space and was considered fantastic for the oh-so-trendy “team environment” of a few years back, the open-plan office is not so popular in current times. That being said, in many instances, hiring a large open workspace provides the opportunity for you to customise the available space as desired, instead of being limited by predetermined offices and areas. If you want to avoid the open-plan work environment, office screening is the answer.

There are many reasons why you should implement office screening in your open-plan workspace. Here are some of the reasons why:

  • A sense of privacy. Believe it or not, some individuals feel limited in their abilities, confidence, and skills when they feel that they are on display or being watched by other people. This can be exacerbated in situations where employees handle sensitive information. Office screening and partitions allow employees to make phone calls and handle admin without anyone else listening in or watching.
  • Improved productivity. While it’s great for all your employees to get along, it can also be detrimental to your productivity if your workforce is constantly distracted. Office screening can create separations that spur on productivity, as employees aren’t distracted as much, and chit-chat is minimised.
  • No commitment. Committing to permanent structural changes can be daunting, not to mention inconvenient if you ever decide you want to change the office layout or need to expand in certain areas. Office screening is semi-permanent, which means that there is no commitment to the design and layout of the office space. Also, if you are renting the office space, you won’t have to ask for construction permission or deal with returning the office space back to its original condition when you move out.
  • Aesthetically pleasing workspace. Office screening is available in many different colours, designs, and patterns. These can be used to create an interesting and attractive work area for your staff members, as well as your customers. Gone are the days of boring grey screens and partitions. Modern screens can also be power reticulated, which means that your equipment, computers, and machines will have access to electricity without having to run long cables or extensions!

These are just a few of the reasons why our office screening products will be a great investment for your business. We can share many more reasons and benefits with you on request. If you want to learn more about our deskfloor, and curved screens/partitions, information is just a quick phone call or email away. Transform your office space with products and services from Jax Wox!

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